Sunday, July 29, 2007
Dental visit
The Vengeance of a Fire Ant
Monday, July 23, 2007
A Date to Remember
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Skating in the laundry room
Monday, July 16, 2007
Seasoned Travelers
Palmyra, New York
Hannah, Nikki, and Kira in the Sacred Grove.
While we were walking through the Sacred Grove it started raining, and I loved the sound of the rain hitting the trees. The rain kept us in the grove a little longer hoping for it to clear up so we wouldn't be soaked on the way to the car. In the end, that didn't matter much because it drizzled off and on for pretty much the rest of the day. It even rained through the pageant, but we wrapped up in blankets and ponchos and enjoyed it anyway. The pageant is incredible. The girls enjoyed it all the way up until they fell asleep. It started at 9:15 pm, so it was a late night for them. When I woke them up the next morning to get ready for church, Nikki was convinced that I had woken her up before morning. I guess she felt like she had just fallen asleep.
It was such a great trip. We met Nate's brother, Steve, and his family in New York and got to see all the sites with them. Hannah and Nikki were excited to meet some new cousins. Even though they have met before, it has been so long that they really didn't know them. They had so much fun with Kira. On the way home, Nikki kept asking where Kira's car was. It will be fun to see them again in November when we go out for Thanksgiving.
Cutie Petuties
Niagra Falls
Steve, Nate, Erik, Susan, Nikki, Kanessa, Kira, Hannah, and Taunya. Here we are in our Maid of the Mist garb waiting to get on the boat. Too bad that I wore my glasses. The mist was more like rain, and I could see better without them on than with them. It was really neat to see the falls from the boat, although when we got into the end where the horseshoe falls are I couldn't really see much because of the mist.
Hannah on the Maid of the Mist
Happy Birthday, Nate
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Saturday, July 07, 2007
We Love the Dollar Store
Thursday, July 05, 2007
When I grow up
Me: You can be anything you want to be. What do you want to do?
Nikki: I want to be a grandma.
Me, too.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Julie's wedding
They were sealed in the Salt Lake temple, and it was just beautiful. I love Julie so much, and I think Phil is just perfect for her. I really wished Nate could have been with me. It was a great reminder of the promises we made when we got married. At the luncheon afterwards, Chuck gave some really neat advice to them that I would like to put into practice. He said that whenever he has any down time he stops and asks himself, "What can I do right now to make my wife happy?" Later, I thought it was really sweet when Eileen said to me that he really does do that. So, right now, I think I could most make my husband happy if I stop blogging and cook him some supper. =)
Oh, one other really fun thing was playing with Greg & Brigette's kids. I hadn't even seen them since their last two were born, so it was really neat to see them all. They were so much fun. I had a blast playing with Ashley and Cameron. And little Garrett just charmed my socks off. He was SO sweet, and then Isaac was cool because he had no qualms about talking to me even though he didn't know me. Only Joseph (who is almost 2) was shy and covered his eyes so he couldn't see me while he ate his graham cracker. They were great! Okay, now I'll cook supper.