Monday, July 02, 2007

Julie's wedding

I had the best trip to Utah last week. Even though the airlines lost my luggage when I got there AND when I got home, it was still a great trip. Julie and Phil picked me up from the airport, so that was fun to get to spend that time with them, which ended up being quite a long time with the missing bags. I did get my suitcase back in time to have my green dress and shoes for the reception and wedding. Whew! Thanks so much for picking it up at the airport, Kellee. It was the prettiest reception with fabulous food, and it was so fun to see so many people I hadn't seen for a long time. I got to spend the afternoon visiting with Kellee and Robin and most of their kids. I was so glad to get to see them.

They were sealed in the Salt Lake temple, and it was just beautiful. I love Julie so much, and I think Phil is just perfect for her. I really wished Nate could have been with me. It was a great reminder of the promises we made when we got married. At the luncheon afterwards, Chuck gave some really neat advice to them that I would like to put into practice. He said that whenever he has any down time he stops and asks himself, "What can I do right now to make my wife happy?" Later, I thought it was really sweet when Eileen said to me that he really does do that. So, right now, I think I could most make my husband happy if I stop blogging and cook him some supper. =)

Oh, one other really fun thing was playing with Greg & Brigette's kids. I hadn't even seen them since their last two were born, so it was really neat to see them all. They were so much fun. I had a blast playing with Ashley and Cameron. And little Garrett just charmed my socks off. He was SO sweet, and then Isaac was cool because he had no qualms about talking to me even though he didn't know me. Only Joseph (who is almost 2) was shy and covered his eyes so he couldn't see me while he ate his graham cracker. They were great! Okay, now I'll cook supper.

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