Thursday, August 28, 2008



She really was happy this morning even though the camera didn't catch her smile. How did she get so grown up?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

2nd Grade & My babies

Hannah started 2nd grade yesterday. My sister, Kellee, homeschools her kids and they took really fun first day of school pictures. This picture is a normal one, but it is great just because you can see how excited Hannah was to go to school. She had a great day even though we missed her a lot -- especially Nikki, since her first day is on Thursday. Our kindergarten does a staggered entry and she has to wait all week. Thank goodness Dad is here to entertain her!

It's hard to believe Nikki isn't our baby anymore! Ryan is doing great, and I can't count how many times I have thought how glad I am that this isn't my first baby. He looks a lot like Hannah did as a newborn, and he is just as sleepy as she was so it reminds me a lot of how hard it was for me with her. But I think I've learned a little something between then and now, and I have so enjoyed this first week with him. I think the biggest difference is that I know how true it is that "this too shall pass" -- all the hard stuff and all the wonderful things of having such a little one. He is so sweet. I just can't help but kiss him.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Ryan Scott Robbins

We had our baby on Wednesday, August 20 at 2:11 pm. I had a doctor's appointment that morning and he sent me on over to the hospital from there. It was so nice not going in the middle of the night this time! Here are a few pictures. I think Nate emailed most of these to all the family, but I'll post them for journaling's sake. I took a few more today but deleted them while I was in the process of transferring them to the computer. Nice. We're all doing well and getting ready for the first day of school tomorrow. Nate is taking 2 weeks off of work, and I am SO excited about that.

Ryan Scott Robbins
Nikki and Ryan
Hannah and Ryan
Hannah, Mom, Ryan, and Nikki
Daddy got diaper duty when the big one hit. The girls were pretty interested in what was going on.

Friday, August 15, 2008


Nope. I'm pretty sure the instinct doesn't exist in me. I would much rather curl up on the couch with a book, but today the house really needed a good cleaning. Besides, if it was nesting would I really let my girls do the work for me? This was the first time they've mopped and Hannah did the whole kitchen by herself. She thought it was hard work, but she did a great job.

It was really a good thing I decided to get it done today because once again, the realtor called about 30 minutes before lunch wanting to show the house. It was just a pain because I hadn't finished cleaning and had to rush to get the laundry put away and the vacuuming done while the girls made their bed and cleaned their room.
One spot I hadn't planned on cleaning today was under the refrigerator. However, when we got back home after the showing I heard running water. It was pouring out of the ice dispenser on the fridge. It's really a good thing we came home when we did because their was a ton of water coming out, but only a little bit had soaked into the carpet in the hallway. So it couldn't have been going for very long. I don't know what happened, but somehow the icemaker freaked out and I'm afraid to turn it back on to see what it does. So, under the fridge got a good mop-up, too. Chuck, you can come look under my fridge today!

Monday, August 11, 2008


We had a really neat experience Saturday night. About a year ago Nate gave a Book of Mormon to a lady at work, and he went with the missionaries several times to visit with her and teach her. She was baptized on Saturday, and she asked Nate to perform the baptism. It was the first chance I've had to meet her, so I was excited to go. She was a really nice lady, and I think it is amazing that she has overcome so many challenges in the last year. She had the best attitude, even when talking about how hard it has been for her to find a new job lately. I also think it was really neat for Hannah and Nikki to see their dad perform a baptism. We are so blessed to have the gospel, and I am so happy that Tammy now has it in her life as well.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008


On Monday, when my OB doctor came in to see me, he looked at my birthmark above my mouth and said, "Did you fall?" It's a reddish-purple mark. He felt a little sheepish for pointing out a blemish on my face. Then yesterday I had a dentist appointment, and Mike looked at it and said, "Did Nate hit you?" At least he didn't assume it was my own clumsiness. He couldn't believe I've had it my whole life. I guess it's time to start wearing more make-up. I had to laugh at them because I remember one Sunday morning when I was little as I was getting ready for church it took me by surprise, too. I thought it was a grape jelly stain and scrubbed and scrubbed at it. I told my mom I couldn't get it off, and she got a good laugh at me.

I broke out What to Expect When You're Expecting this morning because I was just feeling weird. Out of the nine symptoms listed for preterm labor, I had about seven. I also had about 3 of the 5 symptoms of false labor, and none of the symptoms of real labor. It was good to know that I really do have some funky things going on -- I'm not just crazy, but this week really is too busy to have a baby anyway. It's okay that I'm not in real labor. After church Sunday would be a great time. It would be nice to be Alli and be able to schedule these things.

Monday, August 04, 2008

All Good News

I had a really good doctor's appointment this morning. First, I have lost a pound in the last two weeks. That would be a good trend to keep up for the next few months. Then, I had to give blood and I didn't pass out! I think that's the third time in a row that I haven't passed out when faced with a needle. The doctor told me that the baby's head is down, and it's probable that this baby will be about the same size as the girls were -- somewhere in the low 7 lbs. And I won't go into intimate particulars on a public blog, but the best news of all is that all the contractions I have been feeling have been working! I suppose I could still have another 4 weeks before the baby comes, but I really don't think so. I think my contractions would just have to pretty much go away for that to happen, and so far today they are still lurking around. I'm probably jinxing myself for saying that. Anyway, it was a good visit, and I'll be sure to not complain about any contractions anymore! And a huge thanks to my babysitting service, Alli, for all the help you've given me and surely will still have to give in the coming weeks.