Sunday, May 22, 2011

Gymnastics meet

 Lily Hansen and Nikki
Nikki did a great job at her meet on Saturday. She got 2nd place overall in her group, and she took 1st on the beam. She was so excited about it. I love watching her. Since she has 2-hour practices now, I don't get to stay and watch her very often. It was so fun to see the progress the girls have been making. They are really getting good. Lily is a friend from church, so it's been great to have these girls in the same gymnastics class.

Our Talent

We had a talent show at church last week, and all of the performance slots were filled up by the time I decided to take a look at the sign-up sheet. That really was just fine with me, but I thought we really should do something to participate. So, Hannah and I made some origami to display. We were going to make a bouquet of flowers. It turns out there are not very many beginner flower designs, so Hannah had more fun decorating paper than folding it. She did make a great ladybug, frog, and crane. She also designed a couple of her own flowers. I thought that was pretty neat. I would much rather take a pre-designed piece of paper and follow the instructions someone else has come up with. I guess my talent is being a copycat. :) Anyway, it was fun working on this project with her.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Little Romance

See, Nate? Romantic poetry really isn't that hard to come up with.

Monday, May 09, 2011

Is this what you were expecting, Nikki?

If Nikki ever needs proof that I love her -- here it is. My fantasy of becoming a professional cake decorator died today. I am DONE with cake pops. Who ever said there was anything wrong with a truffle without a stick? Cakewrecks could have a blast with these puppies. If you want a really good laugh, you could check out Bakerella's rendition of these that I tried to copy. Just don't tell me how hard you laughed. It's not funny to me yet. How does she get the chocolate so smooth?!
I forgot to get the styrofoam block that you're supposed to stick these in to dry. My colander was the best idea I could come up with. So sad! Oh, I also accidentally bought white candy melts with pastel sprinkles in them. Hmm, not quite the canine look I was expecting.

And the best of them all.....
Okay, I can laugh at this one. Not sure what breed of dog this would be. I still don't know why Nikki wanted a dog cake for her birthday, and I am pretty sure I will never let her look at Bakerella's website with me again. Her birthday isn't for 2 more days, but I'm going out of town on her birthday, so I went ahead and made her cake pops tonight. And tomorrow Hannah and I are going to surprise her by getting her out of school early to go get her ears pierced. Maybe that will make up for these ugly puppies.

Sunday, May 01, 2011

{dramatic intake of breath}

Oh, Nate, I am so sorry!!!
That's what I said last night as I started giving Nate a haircut. I don't even know what you call those things that you put on the end of the clippers to keep from buzzing his hair when you cut it, but I forgot to put it on. My mind is always in 5 different places at once, and I think that is probably a bad trait for your hairdresser to have. I was talking and moving along at a 100 mph trying to get this haircut done before I went to finish up my preparations for my sharing time at church today. I got partway up that first strip of hair and froze. He handled it so much better than I did. I was crying and laughing and was just hysterical, and he stayed so calm!! I don't know how he did it. It is such a good thing our roles weren't reversed in that moment! He wanted me to just buzz it all off, but I couldn't do it. His hair is just too pretty. This picture is just halfway into the haircut, and I never did get a picture of the finished product, but I was able to blend it in a bit. I wasn't crying anymore by the time I finished it, anyway. He didn't mention any comments from church today, so either it wasn't too bad or it was so bad nobody could come up with a decent remark. :) Hopefully by the time he makes it home this weekend it won't even be noticeable at all. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!


I took some pictures of Nikki in her baptism dress this afternoon. It's hard to believe she's almost 8! It was cloudy outside, so I might do it again another day -- she certainly won't mind! There are only a few times a year when I really wish I had a great camera, and this is one of them. Which of these pictures do you like best?