Wednesday, October 09, 2013

10 Things I Learned From My Mom

Tomorrow would be my mom's 65th birthday. There is no telling if I will get a chance to think about blogging tomorrow, so I wanted to go ahead and post this while I have a free minute. I wish I had started thinking about this sooner because she is the reason for most of who I am today, but here are a few things I learned from her.

1. If you want to have fun, make it fun.
2. Always pay your tithing, and pay it FIRST.
3. Pack a set of clean underwear in your carry-on bag when traveling. (What if your luggage gets lost?!)
4. Faith is an action word.
5. Excuses aren't good enough.
6. Time spent with family is time well spent.
7. Duct tape and haywire are the main tools needed for keeping your car pieced together (especially with teenage drivers).
8. Work hard so you can play hard. (This one actually sounds like Chuck, but I think she lived it, too.)
9. Always leave the house clean when heading out on vacation.
10.  The restored gospel of Jesus Christ is true!


julie said...

What a legacy she left. Thank you for sharing it with me/us. Happy Birthday, Brenda!

Kellee said...

Good ones. We played spoons in memory of her that night :)

Kim said...

Love this! Love her!