Tuesday, February 09, 2010

My surprising news

So, I started a new job this week. I wasn't looking for a job. I'm quite surprised by it myself, but I'm excited about it, too. I'm working for a professor that teaches online classes at several online colleges like the University of Phoenix. He teaches at 13 different colleges, so he needs help entering grades and other data entry stuff. I do check a few assignments, which is scary to me. So, it's just working from home a few hours early every morning, although he's been training me this week so it has taken more time. The kids have been so wonderful this week. The girls helped babysit Ryan this morning since I didn't finish before Nate left for work. They were great helpers. What am I going to do when they track back in on Thursday?! I'll miss them, that's what. Anyway, while everyone else has had great baby news this year, my surprising news is of a little different nature. :)


Kim said...

Congrats! That sounds like fun!

JW and Alli said...

Early, how early? Are you becoming a morning person?! That is awesome and I bet its nice to make a little cash on the side, too.

julie said...

We shouldn't have to have more baby news for a while! Congrats. That is great that you can work from home. Have you moved already?

Kellee said...

I thought by your title you might be pregnant too! Darn! That would be even cooler :) I've never been able to get a data entry job. I'm so jealous!

Susan said...

Julie, how many times have you been asked when your next little one is coming? With Kim and Camy around I'm sure you're getting plenty of it. :)

And come on, to be alert enough to speak at 6am is VERY early for me! I guess I should start earlier, but no, Alli, I'm not sure I'll ever be a morning person. I am better than I used to be, though!

Kristen said...

That is so neat. I hope you enjoy it!


Congrats on the job! Hope it works out for you!