Thursday, August 30, 2012


I think my good blogging intentions kind of went down the drain when we started school.
 Here's Nikki doing grammar on the first day -- no complaining yet.
 Hannah beginning her new year of math. I love having this guy be the teacher instead of me!
The girls dressed Ryan up as a Celtic warrior one day. They used to paint their bodies blue and make their hair stick up in spikes by rubbing in fat or lard so they would be more scary to their enemies. We used mousse instead of fat! He liked his axe.


Kellee said...

Awesome! We were going to dress up Luke as a Celtic warrior, but never did. Wish we had now. Looks like it's going good!

julie said...

I have some extra fat to spare for next time you play "dress-up-like-a-Celtic-Warrior"

Kim said...

We are starting school this week...nervous, excited. I love that Ryan let them dress him up. My boys love it when Jayden does that. (even if it's as a girl!?)