Thursday, October 25, 2012

A baby picture

I'll spare you the ultrasound pictures and post this picture of our baby fully clothed instead.

I had an ultrasound yesterday, and our little girl was looking completely healthy. I'll have to trust the ultrasound tech when she said it was a girl because I couldn't tell in the least. But it was great to see her heart beating beautifully and find that everything appears to be developing as it should. Nikki couldn't be more excited, but she wasn't too keen on the idea of giving up her room for the new little one. At least she has a little time to get used to that idea before it happens.


julie said...

You look so cute!! Does that mean you are 20 weeks? I am so excited for another girl. You sure make cute ones. Now the questions is will she look like Nate or you? I can't wait to find out!

Kristen said...

How exciting! :) Congrats on another little girl. She is coming to a great family.

JW and Alli said...

The pattern continues...I was wondering if you would break it. As you already know, girls are awesome! Now you can start deciding on a name! Good luck - and you look great! :)

Eileen and Chuck said...

Congratulations, little one! You look darling and we are SO excited for you. How special Ryan will feel with all those sisters! Hyrum's doing okay with 4!

Kristen said...

I will add that Ian is in the same boat as Ryan and he recently told me that he likes being the only boy because it makes him feel special. :) It made me feel like we'd gotten something right. :)

Kellee said...

yeah! Congrats! We're running out of girl names on the Bass side. Good luck with that :) You look AWESOME!

Kim said...

You look great! CONGRADS on a healthy baby girl! I'm so excited for you all

Chris and Molly said...

Goodness I haven't entered the blogging world lately but look at the surprise I found when I did!!! Congratulations!!!!