Sunday, December 09, 2012

Aunt Kellee

At dinner tonight, Nikki said Aunt Kellee was her favorite aunt because "she's fun. She actually does things with her kids."

Well, she's right, you are fun, Kellee. I guess I'll have to start trying to do things with my kids a little more. :)


Kellee said...

Ha! If only she knew... I have been thinking, "I wish I did more with my kids like Susan." I spend too much time online for school. :) Let her keep thinking I'm awesome though! No one's ever called me their favorite aunt. I'll have to plan something fun for the kids this summer :)

JW and Alli said...

Tell Nikki she is no longer my favorite niece! :) Actually that is very sweet - Kellee you are an awesome Mom!

Kellee said...

uh-oh! Auntie wars :)