Tuesday, December 18, 2012


So this is what's going on around here. It's a good thing the holidays involve a lot of food. I'm already getting the, "So when are you due?" Followed by a brief moment of silence while the realization sinks in of what three more months of me being pregnant is going to look like.


julie said...

Those are SO funny!! It really stinks to be pregnant and short. I understand. Sorry and enjoy the treats!!

Kristen said...

I think you look fabulous! But, as we talked about today, I can totally relate. I don't know why its so hard for people to say, "You look {insert kind adjective here}". I'll take lovely, radiant, beautiful, glorious, happy, wonderful or anything remotely close to any of those. So far I've gotten "wow" and "fat". Each time I'm grateful for my well-developed sense of humor that lets me laugh it off. It really does help having a friend to commiserate with. :)

Erin said...

I am sure you look adorable!!! You know I mean it!!! I have been missing you and wanting to talk to you, so maybe you will be getting a call from me sometime soon!