Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Ryan's words

Hannah had a migraine one day last week. The next day, Ryan asked me if Hannah still had a "microbrain." A what? I thought he was insulting her, but the girls were laughing so hard. They finally explained to me that he was trying to say "migraine."

On Easter Sunday, after church we were going to watch a video about Christ's resurrection on the church website. Ryan started crying, and said, "I don't want to be resurrected!" He had actual tears coming down his face. After talking to him for a little bit, I think he thought being crucified was part of what resurrection is. How terrible! When his teachers at church said we would all be resurrected one day the poor kid thought we are all going to be crucified! Hopefully, our discussion helped him out a little bit.


Kristen said...

That is hilarious! A little pitiful, but still funny. I hope he got that figured out. :)

Kellee said...

Oh my! Poor little guy! Glad you were able to comfort him and help him out :) That's funny though.