Sunday, May 26, 2013

Nikki's 10!

On Nikki's actual birthday, she wanted to do something fun. So we went bowling!

 Look at the ball going straight for all of those pins! Go Ryan! When we finished he was completely convinced that he had beaten everyone.

 Mr. I-took-a-bowling-class-at-BYU was almost disappointed when he didn't get all strikes, but then he saw how well the rest of us played and he was able to keep his head up high. We had a lot of fun.

 Then, I thought it would be fun to go strawberry picking. Nikki has been asking for weeks to be able to go. Just remind me next year that she doesn't like picking strawberries. So I told her to go get the camera and take some pictures.

 Wow, that's a full bucket Nikki! Who filled it for you? :)

 Notice who isn't in the picture working ...

It turned out okay in the end. She got to blow out a candle in her strawberry shortcake after dinner and we were all happy. Thanks for a (mostly) fun day, sweet girl!

Natalie's Blessing and Nikki's birthday

We blessed Natalie on the first Sunday in May. I like this picture, but I think it's kind of funny that everyone is sitting so straight with their hands in their laps. Definitely not the way we usually fly around here.
 In looking at these pictures, I have realized that we didn't really get a good picture of Natalie in her dress. Well, she was cute anyway.
 Here's the cake I made for her.

 And here is Nikki with the cake I made for her birthday. I was so happy when she agreed to share her birthday party with Natalie. It was great to have my brothers and sister and families come to celebrate with us.

And these last two pictures pictures I just think are funny. Lexi and Eliza look SO excited for Nikki! :) HaHa

This was one of her presents. I think it's a little too tight, Nikki!

Mother's Day

 Mother's day was so wonderful this year. Well, I will admit that it felt like a lot of work in the morning trying to get everything and everyone ready for church and then jumping back in bed to enjoy a great breakfast in bed and opening presents. But we weren't too late for church. The kids worked on my present for about two weeks. They made a poster with cards, coupon books, Ryan drew me some cars, a homemade set of Angry Birds Old Maid and Crazy 8's, and the funniest test I've ever been given. I may have to scan the pages of it because I definitely want a record of that. I laughed so hard reading through it. Hannah had just finished her end-of-year test, so I guess she was giving me a little payback. :)

While I was taking a nap in the afternoon the kids made me some peanut butter cookies and wrapped them up in a box with some other candy. They were trying to decorate the outside of the box with pictures, and they said they had a hard time finding a picture of me. So, I'm going to do a better job of getting in the picture this year. No better day than Mother's Day to get a picture of me with all of my little ones.

I love my children and so often feel inadequate to be their mother. I find it amazing that my children are so quick to forgive me. I watched the recording of Sister Monson's funeral yesterday. I've always been impressed with the remarkable woman she was in supporting President Monson in all of his responsibilities. But I think what struck me most yesterday was that her children said their home was a happy place because she made it so. President Monson has said that of all the places he has traveled the place he loves the best is home. That's the kind of influence I want to be in our home. I want to create a loving, happy place where my family wants to be. I'm certainly no Sister Monson, but I feel very inspired to try a little harder and do a little better.

Two Months

I'm a little slow in posting these days, but that's okay. I'm just going to do what I can do. This little cutie turned two months old last week. What a happy girl! Today she smiled at me all through Sunday School, and then when we were home from church eating lunch Nikki and I could hardly concentrate on our food because she was just laughing and smiling at us so much. Oh, we love this baby.

Wednesday, May 01, 2013


 Our soon-to-be 10-year-old girl.


 I Love

 Ah, I thought I could rotate it after I uploaded it. Well, she's cute upside down, too. I love when they sleep with their arms over their heads.

She wouldn't wake up, so we sat her up on the couch and tried to have a conversation with her. She slept through it.

I have a funny video to upload sometime of her trying to wake up. Very rarely does she make it on her own without me picking her up to change her diaper. On the couple of mornings where she has opened her eyes by herself, the only way I know she is awake is because I hear her breathing pattern change. She is such a happy, calm baby. I have never had a baby sleep in our room for more than two weeks, but I don't think I would ever hear her if she was in her own room.