Sunday, May 26, 2013

Natalie's Blessing and Nikki's birthday

We blessed Natalie on the first Sunday in May. I like this picture, but I think it's kind of funny that everyone is sitting so straight with their hands in their laps. Definitely not the way we usually fly around here.
 In looking at these pictures, I have realized that we didn't really get a good picture of Natalie in her dress. Well, she was cute anyway.
 Here's the cake I made for her.

 And here is Nikki with the cake I made for her birthday. I was so happy when she agreed to share her birthday party with Natalie. It was great to have my brothers and sister and families come to celebrate with us.

And these last two pictures pictures I just think are funny. Lexi and Eliza look SO excited for Nikki! :) HaHa

This was one of her presents. I think it's a little too tight, Nikki!


Eileen and Chuck said...

Gorgeous kids AND cakes! How do you have time to be such a great baker?!? Nikki's is amazing! Such fun. Belated happy birthday, Nikki.

Kellee said...

Love the gymnastics cake!