Sunday, May 11, 2014

Life doesn't come with an instruction manual, it comes with a mother.

Nikki was filling out a family history worksheet the other day and one of the blanks was for something important to know about her mom's mom. It made me pause for a minute because I didn't know where to start. If there was one thing I want my children to know about my mother, what would it be? There are so many things! She loved Oreos and practical jokes and her family and so much more. And then I'm sure there is so much about her that I never knew or have forgotten. So what was it about her that made the biggest impact on me? Her hard work. Her fun. Her love. But I think the way I want to answer that question today is her faith. She was totally committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ. She lived what she knew to be true. Someone said that your children are the first to know if you are a hypocrite. She was no hypocrite. She did what she believed was what she should do. Her favorite scripture, or at least one of them, was Alma 57:21, where Helaman is speaking of the Stripling Warriors, "Yea, and they did obey and observe to perform every word of command with exactness; yea and even according to their faith it was done unto them; and I did remember the words which they said unto me that their mothers had taught them." She said she wanted to be that obedient, and it certainly seemed to me that she was. Thank you, Mom, for teaching me what it looks like to be faithful.

I reap the benefits of the mothering of Nate's mom every day. He is a great kitchen cleaner and laundry folder, and I attribute that to Juanita. But he is so much more than that. He is kind and sensitive, just like his mother. And by sensitive, I mean he readily notices my feelings and moods, and he cares deeply about how I feel. Perhaps empathy is the word I'm looking for. Along with that, I think he is sensitive to the whisperings of the Spirit, and I know his mother played a large role in shaping his spiritual life as well. Thank you, Juanita, for shaping the heart of my husband.

I remember one day before my senior year started I needed to call the high school about something simple, like maybe a parking pass. I hated making phone calls (still do) and I just dreaded making this easy, practical call. I remember sitting at the piano bench and half whining/half begging Eileen to do it for me. She wasn't about to do it, and so I had to. It was a great lesson for me. There have been many phone calls over the years I have had to make that I wished someone would make for me, but then I think about that experience and I just do it. So I appreciate that, but even more I wonder how she put up with me! She kept her cool so well, and I know my kids wish that I had learned that lesson a little better! Eileen brings sunshine to whatever task she is given, and it makes me happy just to think of her. I love her! Thank you, Eileen, for becoming a mother to me in such a way that I didn't even know I was asking so much from you and the whole family. I felt then, and still do, that I was just a part of you.

To my mothers, thank you.


Kristen said...

I love this so much! You are such an inspiring mom, not just to your kids but to those of us around you. :)

Chris and Molly said...

Such heartfelt sentiments :) Susan you remind me so much of your mom and Eileen :)