Friday, April 13, 2007

My independent girls

I slept in until almost 8 am this morning. How amazing is that! This week is spring break, so I didn't have to get Hannah ready for school. The girls woke up and Hannah got cereal for them AND she remembered to put the milk back in the refrigerator. She also left me a bowl and spoon on the table in my spot for when I woke up. What a sweet girl. Nikki used the bathroom all by herself, so I didn't have to get up for that. After breakfast they didn't want to bother me so they went into the toy room and were playing quietly together. I'm just so proud of how they have grown up so much. I remember being up with Hannah one night when she was about 2 months old. I thought to myself that it would be another 18 years before I got a full night of rest like I wanted, and then since we wanted more children it really would be longer than that. I'm so glad I was wrong. I really am a much nicer person when I get plenty of sleep.

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