Wow, I have spent a lot of time on the computer this morning. I haven't had it hooked up for the last week and a half and I'm trying to catch up on the emails and things. Maybe it would be better to just unplug it again.
Isn't that baby just adorable? I can't get enough of him. He is the sweetest thing, and you really need to make a trip to come visit us and get some of his sweet love. The girls adore him, too. They can't wait for him to be able to smile at us. He's 4 weeks old today -- unbelievable how time is flying by already.
So, our move went really well. I have the greatest brothers ever. Thank you so much J & Mike for all of your help. And thank you Alli for donating your husband, and thanks Sherrie for helping with the kids and dinner. We ended up packing the truck Friday night before the storm really hit, but that meant that they were loading the truck before we had finished packing! I've never done that before. But we had wonderful people from church who came and helped along with Mike & Jay. And then there were several guys from our new ward here in Raleigh that came and helped unload, so it went fairly quickly and smoothly. And a big shout out to JW for tying down the tarp on top of our leaky truck well enough that it stayed on through tropical storm force winds and none of our stuff got wet. Like I said, I have the best brothers in the world.
Hannah and Nikki have been enjoying their new school. They are now in year-round, which I was worried about for Hannah because this school has been in session longer than our traditional school had been. But I think she will be fine. I really liked their teachers when I met them, and I'm looking forward to parent-teacher conferences next week. Nikki's teacher's name is Mrs. Naugle, and when Nate was asking about her first day she told him her teacher's name was Mrs. Goggles. :)
Our boxes are gone! That's right, we are unpacked! With my extremely organized husband and all the many times that we have had boxes around us, we just like to go ahead and get the unpacking over with. Not having internet or phone last week helped a lot with that, too. We are enjoying our new house. It's quite a bit smaller than our last one, so we sold some things on craigslist and stuffed lots more in the attic, and now we're feeling kind of cozy. We live in a great location. Just three minutes from school and 15 minutes from Nate's office. Fabulous shopping all around. Mike and Sherrie aren't too far. We have a cute neighborhood with sidewalks (that's an improvement). The houses are too close together, but we didn't buy this house so I don't really care. I'll have to get a picture of the airplanes. We live pretty close to the airport. The sound really isn't bad, but if you stand in our driveway and look up at the right time, you almost feel like an airplane is going to land in our backyard. I bet Ryan will like that when he gets a little bigger. Alli, you'll have to bring Jay by for a visit.
Anyway, things have been good for us. Maybe my postpartum hormones just haven't kicked in yet, but with all of our changes lately we just feel so blessed. The kids have handled things very well, our new churchmembers have been so nice, Nate has filled his gas tank once in the last two weeks, I've been shopping twice already this week (don't worry, Nate, I won't spend all of our gas savings), our baby is eating and sleeping well, my hair hasn't started falling out yet, and now our phone/internet is working. We are indeed blessed.