Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Eyelids of Lead

These got posted in the wrong order -- the second one comes first. Then about 20 minutes later I took the other video. This certainly isn't the most thrilling footage, but this scene repeats itself so often that it was worthy of catching on film. It was kind of dark, hope you can see it.

If I leave him alone, it will take him at least 30 minutes of grunting and squirming for him to be able to finally wake himself up. Usually I just go ahead and change his diaper to snap him out of it. Last Sunday Nate took him to Elders quorum and he had to leave because Ryan was grunting so loud that no one could hear the lesson. I think Tim "the Toolman" Taylor just might approve of his grunting abilities. WHY ARE MY BABIES SO SLEEPY???


Kellee said...

I love the grunting! I can't wait to see him in a month!

julie said...

All I can say is like mother like son. Reminds me of you Susan back in the day. "Don't talk to me until AFTER I have eaten breakfast" That is so cute.

Susan said...

Ha! You are so right, Julie! Nikki is the same way. This morning she got sent back to her room until she could stop screaming long enough to eat breakfast. It's sad that I knew exactly how she felt.

Brigette Little said...

He is SO cute! You just forget how little they start out! What a sweetheart.

Kim said...

He is SOOO tiny!! I love the grunting. Wyatt did that when he was a newborn....now he growls! It's pretty funny.