Friday, August 28, 2009

Phone Companies

AGH!! Does anyone else get as frustrated as I do dealing with the phone company? Maybe I'm the only one who gets lucky enough to speak to the most incompetent customer service providers around. I would go to almost any length to avoid calling AT&T. So, we're changing phone services because AT&T doesn't provide a decent long distance plan for us -- we don't need unlimited long distance, and anything else they're offering us is highway robbery. So we're trying out Vonage, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it turns out to be a good service. I must say that speaking to their customer service agents hasn't been nearly as painful as AT&T so far. That's encouraging to me. But the pain is that in the process of transferring our number over, we haven't been able to receive phone calls this past week, and probably won't until next Tuesday. And you guessed it -- it's AT&T's customer NO service's fault. However, when it comes right down to it, I don't really mind not having the phone ring.

Oh, I also figured out why I haven't been blogging much lately. I left my camera at Alli's last weekend, but when I get it back I'll have to get a picture of my youngest computer genius. It's much easier to avoid the computer when he's around, or he thinks it's his turn to control the mouse and keyboard as well as the fascinating blue power button.


Kellee said...

Haven't had to deal with phone companies in YEARS! When we moved up here, we got Qwest and haven't gotten a call from AT&T since. Now we've only had cell phones for years.

JW and Alli said...

Hate phone companies, they're real great and nice when starting your service - but when canceling or changing service I've had nightmares! Good luck!