Thursday, August 20, 2009


We got this of Ryan last week. He was tired and grumpy, but he is doing such a good job walking these days! How is it possible that today is his birthday?!!

I posted this one because he sounds like a duck. What is it with boys and their sound effects? He is always making some funny sound.


Kellee said...

Happy 1st Ryan!!!! You made it through the toughest year of your life. (It's gotta be, right, with all those fast changes).

Have fun celebrating!

Kristen said...

Happy Birthday, Ryan!!! Love the videos. And I meant to say that I can't wait to try the granola recipe. I LOVE granola, but too, have been unable to find it in the store. Of course, with four kids in tow, I'm also not scouring every store in the county to find it. Making it will be much simpler. :)

julie said...

I can't believe he is a year old. Happy birthday big guy. He has the most beautiful big blue eyes. Congrats to you for making it through the first year with three kids!

Kim said...

A year already?! Cute videos & yes, he did sound like a duck in that second one. PS - You look GREAT! He's walking so well!

Brigette Little said...

Love the duck sound! How cute!