Friday, November 05, 2010

Nikki's Monster Story

This one made me laugh. I'll transcribe it for you....

by Nikki Robbins
If I took a monster to school... He would either do his homework quietly... or... eat the principle. And then I would take him home and .... Eat, sleep, play with my monster at home so he doesn't eat anyone. And what do you think he would do next.... Yep he'd play piano! So he would wake up my baby brother. And then mom would come and take that monster and put it in the trash can. But when Mom is sleeping I would sneak outside in to the dark at 10:00 pm. I would get my monster and tuck it under my bed just in time. I love my monster. the end


Kim said...

Great job, Nikki! I feel like the monster in her story...sometimes I just do my homework quietly & other times, I just want to eat people. I'm glad there are people like Nikki to save my from the trash can!

Kellee said...

That's really creative! I wish at least one of my kids would play the piano :(

JW and Alli said...

It reminds me of the "If you give a mouse a cookie" books. Super cute, a keeper for sure!

julie said...

I really don't think I was EVER that creative. I feel the same way about school.