Thursday, December 09, 2010

I'm here...

No, I haven't crashed my tank of a van yet, and Hannah and I haven't pulled each other's hair out ... yet. Ha Ha! I keep thinking I need to update the blog, but when?! Nikki was in a Christmas concert at school tonight. It was really cute. Hopefully I'll have a chance to post the pictures of it tomorrow. I think I know the songs just as well as she does with how much she has been singing them around the house this past week.

Hannah is doing really well with the homeschooling. She works so hard and is just a wonderful girl. I love having this time with her, and Ryan does, too! All day long he asks, "What's Hannah doing?" It's really cute.

Okay, I'm ready for bed. Hopefully, I'll get some pictures up tomorrow, but in the meantime... things are going well.


Kellee said...

Wait! You posted this at 8:30 and you're ready for bed? I'm impressed!

julie said...

So glad you are doing well. I was beginning to worry. Good luck.

Susan said...

Yes, I was ready for bed at 8:30. It's just too bad I didn't get there!

Kristen said...

So glad to see the update! I've missed you. :) Luckily, we'll have time to get caught up on Tuesday! Thanks again. :)