Friday, April 15, 2011

The Guacamole Song

I am no connoisseur of guacamole. I only discovered a few months ago that I like avocados. But I got several avocados in my produce box yesterday from our weekly produce co-op, so I wanted to make some guacamole. When I thought about looking for recipes, this song was the first thing that came to my mind. These guys are actually from the Raleigh area, and they can be really funny. Well, if you're up really late and you're really tired and you're at the stage where everything is funny. :) I like their fast food folk song, and their T-shirt war video is pretty cool.

Anyway, I made this guacamole yesterday and really liked it. Those of you who know good guacamole -- does this look like a good recipe? Anybody have a guacamole recipe to recommend? I still have a few more avocados.


Kellee said...

I've never heard of those guys or seen their videos. We really enjoyed laughing at those. Fun!

Kellee said...

Oh, and sorry. I don't eat avacados... only because they're green:) (I don't know) But I did try guacamole recently for the first time and it was good. Maybe I'll be brave enough to try more. If you find some good recipes, let me know.

Kristen said...

I love avocados! Cory and I love this avocado salsa recipe we found. I think I included it in the garner cookbook. YUM. :)

Kim said...

I know can spell guacamole really fast as a result of watching this WAY TO MANY TIMES! Their videos are hilarious. We've watch lots of them. Thanks!