Within a couple of hours, the back completely fell off, and then the next day one whole side of it was sinking. One day I'll learn how to layer a cake, but until then we just cut off the back and took it to the party anyway. Ryan kept talking about how James crashed and we needed to make another one. Maybe another year, son!
Many hands make light work...
He was so excited to get Hiro and Sir Handel from his cousins.
Thanks for letting Ryan share your party, Lexi. We have the best cousins!
I caught this one mid-"cheese," but I love his face. He has that excited look so often.
I'm glad his day FINALLY came and he FINALLY got his trains :)
I came downstairs and Ammon was sitting at my desk staring at the beautiful cake you made saying. "Me watch James. Me watch James." I would say that is a complete success!
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