Monday, August 29, 2011

First Day of School

Today was our first official day of school. It went really well. There were some moments of frustration that were experienced by all, but overall I enjoyed it and I think the kids did, too. I feel a great sense of relief in getting things off the ground. I know it's going to take a little bit for everyone to get comfortable with the new groove of things, but it's really going to be good. I fully expect things to evolve over the year, and I hope our family can be patient with each other as we get this learning stuff figured out. I'm excited for the things I'm going to get to learn, too.

One thing that I love that we have started is eating breakfast together. Everyone gets ready, and then we all come to the table at 7:30, we say our morning prayers, eat breakfast, and read scriptures together. It's great to have that time with Nate before he leaves for work. It works so well because they can't eat unless they have completed their morning jobs. Morning jobs are just getting dressed, putting away pajamas, making their bed, doing their hair, etc. We all get going in the morning, and our day starts off so nicely!

Having Ryan get two new trains yesterday for his birthday was so perfect because he played with them all day long, and the girls and I were able to get everything done we needed to without worrying that he was getting bored. It was so cute to see Hannah and Nikki jump on the floor to play with him if they ever finished something while I was working with the other one. I just thought about how different our day would have been for all of us if the girls had gone off to school.

Over the past couple of weeks I have heard several friends talk about how they can't wait for school to start! I know none of these great mothers have meant that they are excited to get rid of their kids for most of the day. I think we just all have been ready for a routine again. I have been looking forward to school starting too, so that I can actually focus on my kids. I have had so many projects and distractions over the summer, and I am ready to spend my days keeping my attention on them.

Hannah told me today that she absolutely hated recess, so I told her we'll go swimming tomorrow for our lunch/recess break. I was going to have them help me pick up sticks and branches in the yard from Hurricane Irene during lunch break this week, but I decided life doesn't always have to be so tough. I can hear Chuck now, "Are we having fun yet?" Yes, Chuck, I am.


Kellee said...

Cute. We started today too, but I'm too pooped to blog about it :) We had a couple of melt downs during math, and I already seriously thought about sending Luke to public school (I gotta figure out how to teach him!), but over all it was good to get back into a routine for us too.

Anonymous said...

So, when am I going to come over and talk to you about what we are doing? Or do you want to come over here? Maybe some afternoon this week?

Kristen said...

You're awesome! I'm so glad its going well! If you ever need a playdate for Ryan so you can work with the girls, you know where we are. :)

julie said...

Can Ryan come over to our house and play? If only that could happen... I promise I am not ignoring your call. I really want to talk to you but I assume it won't be a quick call and I typically have time to talk around 9 or 10 my time which is too late to call. I promise I will make the time this week! Miss you.

Susan said...

Whew! Thanks, Julie. I was afraid you didn't want to call me back! :)

Kim said...

Congrads! School has been good for us so far. We started Tuesday of last week. I, too, am grateful for a routine again & even if they drive me crazy sometimes, I really do love having them around lots!