Nate played in a church basketball game earlier this week. He went to the game straight from work, and he said as he was at the church changing he found that the pair of white socks he had grabbed weren't actually a match. One was his and one was mine. So he had to play with one of his socks barely making it to his heel! He said that was the last time he was going to pay the kids to fold our laundry.
On Monday and Tuesday of this week I was seriously contemplating enrolling the kids back in "regular school" as Hannah called it. Yesterday and today were much better. I'm so tired of doing everything halfway. Well, I'm just plain tired, too. My kids are really good kids, but they are just kids. They are messy. They would rather play than fulfill responsibilities. They argue if things don't go their way. They whine. Oh, wait -- that sounds like me! :) So I guess if you keep all four of us together long enough, anybody would get tired of that. I was talking to my friend at gymnastics on Monday, and she was talking about how she spent a couple of hours cleaning her house that morning before she took her 3-year-old (her only child not in school) to playgroup. I almost didn't know what to say to her. When was the last time I had a morning with a couple of hours free to clean my house? With no one to create a tornado in the room I wasn't in? Her son was helping her clean even! I thought about what I was doing that morning -- teaching a cooking class to about 30 kids. And the chicken juice had spilled in my van on the way there, and when I got home it took me until that afternoon to get all of the dishes from the basket I had carried them in to the sink. A couple of them didn't get washed until the next day. And I still haven't had a chance to clean out the van. I remembered it today when Nikki got in and asked What is that smell? Then later I remembered again when I tried to open the passenger side door and it was stuck. I hope I remember again tomorrow if I have a chance to clean it. It will be even better if I remember to mention it to Nate so he can clean it on Saturday, because he somehow remembers to take care of everything. Except checking to see if his socks match.
Oh Susan, we should talk...or maybe we shouldn't. I feel your pain! Oh wait, these are the joys of motherhood that we're suppose to cherish. One day the chicken juice spilling in the ban story will be funny, but not today. We really should do the group skype thing. I think about it often, but when I have a quiet moment, I typically fall asleep. Keep your chin up & cherish bedtimes & naptimes! Love ya!
I am in ahh of all home school moms. But especially pregnant or moms with newborns. Good luck and I know whatever you do will be best for your family right now. Our prayers will be with you!
Yes, yes and more yes! Thank you for being real. I'm afraid my house needs more than two hours of cleaning at this point. And I don't see that happening anytime soon. Unless I pay someone to come clean, which I'm honestly debating, just so I can have a clean slate to start on. Only, as I'm sure you know, "clean" only lasts about 5 seconds until kids start dirtying it again. I have to say, though, that I think you have a good sense of where your true priorities lie, and that you are doing good and important things, even if its not matching socks or cleaning chicken juice out of your van. ;) When I'm feeling frustrated, I try to remember a quote I love by Anna Quindlen, "When in doubt, choose the kids. There will plenty of time later to choose work." I substitute work for cleaning, errands, PTA, or whatever things I have on my to do list. Sometimes those things have to be done and that's good, too. But sometimes I just have to put the list aside and focus on my family, because that's where my true happiness and fulfillment come from. *sigh* Easier said than done, maybe. We should do dinner sometime and commiserate. :) Love you, girl.
Hang in there! Keep training and training and training. Eventually they'll get older and it will get better. I've heard the opposite though. But, so far, it's gotten better as they've gotten older.
I agree with Kristen. Choose the kids. When it gets to a point where you're ready to scream from all the mess, that's when I yell, "Time out!" and we all blitz it together and get the floor picked up and the counters cleaned off as fast as possible. If nothing else, that helps me to be able to see the floor and the counter. Katherine and Luke usually have it messy again in no time, but at least for a little while, it was ok.
And... if the Lord wants you to homeschool, He'll help you! I've vocalized giving up many times, but when I remember how things were before and how much the kids have grown at home, I can usually keep going. Love you!!
Sounds like you are in need of some kid-free time. Are they available for a sleepover this coming Friday (28th)?
Alli?????????? The mother of 6 with Bishop husband is offering to take your brood for a sleepover??? WOW!!!!!! Now THAT'S amazing. But it's spoken like a Mama who knows what it's like with lots of little people, with pregnant exhaustion and just peaking over the surrounding waves as she treads water. SO good that you're there for each other--wish I was closer to help. Just trust me--it IS worth it. Your Mom & I didn't have home school, but we did have greenhouses! And you're NOT alone! Love you, Susan.
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