Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Nikki had a gymnastics meet last Saturday and did such a great job. Robin and Mike were able to come, which was so nice. Her Sunday School teachers even came to watch her. Mike took some videos for me, so I'll post those when he gets them to me. She ended up taking 1st place in two of the four events as well as 1st overall. We are so proud of you, Nikki! Great job!

As we were walking out of the gym, everyone was looking at her medals and her trophy. This meet was called the Thanksgiving Invite, so her trophy is a turkey! We got a good laugh out of that.


Kristen said...

Hooray for Nikki! That is so awesome. And that's a trophy she'll never forget. :)

Kellee said...

Wow! Way to go Nikki!