Sunday, May 14, 2006

Nikki's birthday

For Nikki's birthday she wanted to invite the cousins over for lunch and to go swimming. They had so much fun and were so tired when we were done. I can't believe she is already three years old. We are having a family party next week when Nate and the rest of the family will be together. She keeps changing her mind about what kind of cake she wants. It ranges from a bunny cake to a butterfly to a heart cake. I'm pushing for the heart (the easiest) but Hannah keeps trying to introduce new choices. Her latest idea was a fairy cake, but I had to silence that one really fast since I don't know how to make a fairy.


Kristen said...

how cute! it looks like they had a wonderful time!

Susan said...

They did, and I had a wonderful time during Nikki's 3 hour nap afterward! =)

Kristen said...

what a wonderful day! a fun time with the kids & them some down time too! that's close to perfection!