Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Ooey, ooey, ooey

Last night I set the table and called for everyone to come for supper. Nikki climbed in her chair and started sniffing what I had cooked for dinner. She wrinkled up her nose and said, "Ooey, ooey, ooey. That's stinky, stinky, stinky." Nate and I died laughing. It's a good thing I'm not easily offended or overly sensitive about my cooking abilities. Since it was so funny and she obviously had such a strong aversion to my blackbean quesadillas, I couldn't help but let her have cereal for supper instead.


Kristen said...

hahaha! this cracked me up! i laughed out loud! that exact scenario happens at our house with alarming regularity. i love to cook & if i'm not a great cook, i'm definately a good one. but the kids remain unimpressed. either they flaty refuse to try it or if they do eat, but the time they get done, the food is mangled and unrecognizable as anything from the planet! we moms have to have a pretty thick skin sometimes! stuff like that always makes me appreciate my parents more. now i see what they went through with me! bless their hearts! =)

Susan said...

I have a greater appreciation for my parents ,too, now that I'm a parent myself. I now realize how nice my mom was being when she put the tomatoes in a bowl on the side, because I didn't like them, instead of just tossing them in the salad. Sometimes I don't feel like being that nice.