Friday, February 09, 2007

Sweet kids

I am just surrounded by the sweetest little children. Tonight JW watched the kids for us while I went to play the piano for a funeral. When I got back to his house to pick them up, Jay, who is two, saw me come in the door and said, "Su!" Then he ran over and gave my leg a big hug. How adorable! I could just eat him up. I just LOVE him! Then I saw Brenna, who is six months old, rolling around on the floor, and I have never seen a happier baby. All you have to do is look at her, and she breaks into the biggest grin. And she's chubby and just so huggable. J & Alli have wonderful kids. Hannah happened to get a fever today (right before her birthday party tomorrow and Nate & I go out of town all week next week), and my kids are always sweet and cuddly when they are sick. She's not usually the one who wants to curl up in my lap, so while I am sad that she doesn't feel good, I am glad that I got a chance to snuggle with her tonight. And finally, as I was putting the girls in bed they just couldn't give me enough hugs and kisses. I suppose that could be because they didn't want me to turn out the light, but I'll just believe that they really love me a lot. =) So, I feel really blessed tonight to have such wonderful little ones all around.


Kristen said...

i know what you mean. sometimes i just feel so blessed. i went out west last weekend & was gone from cory & the kids for 5 days. it was so nice to come home to a family that loves and misses you. it was so sweet! and being away from them made me just want to snuggle and hold and be with them all the time! they might be about tired of me by now! ;)

Susan said...

I hope you had a fun trip. Nate and I are on a week-long trip right now. This is day one, so I can't say I'm missing them too much right now, but in another couple of days I'm sure I will. =) For now, I am enjoying the peace and quiet of the hotel room as I just finished reading a book, and now I'm going to plan my sightseeing for the week, and then maybe I'll do some studying for my class, or maybe I'll take a nap, or whatever I want! I'm in heaven.