Friday, June 01, 2007

Nikki's preschool graduation

Nikki's preschool graduation was last night. So adorable!
Nikki's class said the Lord's Prayer at the beginning. I was so proud of her. She did the best out of her whole class, if I do say so myself. Although, it may have just seemed that way because she was talking so loud we couldn't hear anyone else. =)

This is the fan club.

This clip is a part of the Hokie Pokie. I hope this posts alright. My videoing skills are pretty minimal, but I think you can see how into it Nikki was. I could usually hear her over everyone else. And then the few times she was quiet, I could hear her cousin Lexi singing out. Must be something in the blood. They were precious.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Susan, that was too adorable!! And I love Hannah's haircut! She looks so grown up!