This ugly, sickly stray cat in the left side of the picture has been hanging around the neighborhood for the past couple of days. When we first saw it come into the yard, Pearl attacked it and scared Nikki so badly she started crying. But it keeps coming back, probably for the cat food in the garage, so we've had to keep the garage closed with Pearl and Jack and Daisy inside. I've been so frustrated with it for hanging around, but then I noticed this bird (on the right side of the picture) teasing it. This is the meanest bird ever. It's not like he's protecting his nest because he will follow the cat all over the neighborhood, squawking and pecking at it, and then landing just far enough away to be out of reach. I don't know what kind of bird it is, but if there ever was a reason to give the name mockingbird, this bird just earned it. He is totally mocking this cat, and I am starting to feel sorry for the cat! Maybe there is a soft place in my heart after all. I called animal control and they are supposed to come pick up the cat today. I wonder if they'll take the bird, too.
That's funny! I remember seeing a bird do that to a cat before. I wonder what makes a bird feel safe doing that and what makes a cat take it?
I've never seen that happen before. How strange. We do have a cardinal that for the last year will daily try to fly into our sunroom. We think he may be defending his territory against the "other bird" (better known as his reflection), but its been going on for a year now and it shows no signs of stopping. Good luck with the cat...and the bird!!!
So the animal control guy came this afternoon, and it is a mockingbird! He said she probably is trying to protect her nest, they'll even do swoop down on people if they get too close to the nest. But, he said they're called mockingbirds because they can mimick so many different sounds. It was making an awful squawk at the cat, but it can sing lots of different beautiful tunes (some of which we have heard EARLY in the morning, like 4 am). Last Sunday we had the windows open, and Nate was whistling and the next thing we knew there was a bird copying him. They went at for quite a few minutes. I had no idea that was a mockingbird. So, there's my biology lesson for the day.
Oh, and after he left, my neighbor came out and said she thought that cat was so beautiful and she had been feeding it a little bit. I didn't even know what to say to her. That was the ugliest cat ever!
Cats and yappy birds....they've got to be at the top of my list of animals I love....NOT! I haven't said "not" since, like huh, eighth grade...like crazy?! I know....I need more sleep!
Wow!!! How interesting!!! I feel just a little bit smarter now. :)
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