Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Our tooth fairy

Hannah has been on a tooth-losing kick lately. I wanted to get a picture of her toothless mouth, and she decided she would rather have her picture taken dressed up like the tooth fairy.
She lost two teeth last week, and the tooth fairy forgot to come on the first night she had the first one under her pillow. It was heartbreaking to see how disappointed she and Nikki both were. The next night she remembered to come and even sent Hannah an email apologizing and explaining how busy she was, which satisfied her. It's so wonderful that they don't hold a grudge.


Brigette Little said...

The tooth fairy has forgotten my kids before, too. The kids have come to understand that she's a little flighty and scatterbrained, and she always leaves them funny notes. Hannah looks adorable!

Kellee said...

Man, that toothfairy must have issues at everyone's house! Our kids usually have to come ask us for help to find their money because they can't seem to find it at first. We usually help them find it in the pillow case or under the mattress...crazy!