Thursday, May 15, 2008

Oh, come on!

Hannah had an eye appointment today, and afterwards we came home and took Pearl to the vet. I spent twice the amount of money on Pearl as I did on Hannah. I think there is something wrong with that picture. Animals are so not worth this. Ever since we got her home yesterday she has been very agitated and it looks to me like blood is draining out of her nose. That can't be a normal post-operative symptom. So the vet said it's either a regular respiratory infection that will clear up with the antibiotic they gave me (no, that I paid for -- they didn't give it to me), or it is this new mutation of a virus that is going around that they can't treat. This virus has a very quick onset, just like Pearl has had, and they don't last more than 72 hours. So, should I have paid for medicine that may or may not help her? I know what my dad would have done living out in the country, and his way of handling it is sounding pretty good to me right now. The laundry room stinks, Pearl is scratching the new paint in there, she woke us up last night and this morning with her meowing, and I can't believe I paid for medicine I'm supposed to give her 3 times a day for 14 days. I guess I should be feeling sorry for her because she is sick, but she isn't one of my kids. I would be hoping that she has this new virus except that means the girls would get to see her deteriorate and die. And I thought my heart was softening. I've had enough of this.


JW and Alli said...

Now you sound like you are related to JW! :)

Kristen said...

I wish I could be more like you when it comes to stuff like that. I'm such a softy when it comes to the animals that I worry to death about them. That is the one part I really hate about animals is b/c I worry about them too much. I do think there is a crazy trend to do too much for pets and animals, and realistically, while I love animals to death, they are NOT my kids and there's only so much we could do financially and in good conscience were one of them to be really sick. But yes, the stress of it all about kills me. I wish I could look at it more like you do. :)

Kellee said...

Did you ever hear Grandma say she would like to reincarnate into Sister's pet? Well...remind me not to reincarnate into one of yours (or JW's) :) !

Jk...I agree it's too expensive to treat pets. Our cats need rabies shots and I don't want to spend the money on it, but I also don't want to have a rabies problem either. Joe has treathened many times to take the cats out and shoot them or leave them miles away in the middle of no where. I can't stand the thought. I love my cats...even more that they're outside now.

Hope things work out either way for you!

Susan said...

Pearl update: She's still breathing. Actually, she's getting better. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I called around yesterday for places to take the cats but wasn't very successful. The animal shelter said their cat room was full and any more that were brought in that day would be put down. I asked if it would be alright if I still brought them anyway, and I think the lady was a little surprised. That was a heartless question, and I actually couldn't bring myself to do it. I did move Pearl back out into the garage this morning. She's supposed to be separated from her kittens for another 4 days, but having her in the laundry room is just a torture to both her and me. If the kittens open her incision, then I guess we really will have a reason to take her to the shelter. I can't believe how cruel my thoughts can be towards her one minute, and then how much I want to go watch them play the next. I'm going crazy.