Friday, April 17, 2009

Powdered Milk?

I'm a little hesitant to blog about this because I don't want to come across as being over the top crazy. Yes, I've been experimenting with using my food storage -- I don't think that's too crazy, but who in their right mind would actually make powdered milk to drink when there has been no hurricane and there is plenty of yummy milk to be purchased from the store? Well, I read that it really could be yummy, so I thought I would try it out. Worst case scenario I could just use it in my cooking. Well, for the past two days Nikki has been asking for the "marshmallow milk." I have to admit it -- I like it. That said, you have to go into it expecting skim milk, not 2% or whole milk. I don't know if I would like it if I drank 4 glasses of milk a day like Alli. :)

So, to make a gallon of the dreaded-but-it-really-is-pretty-good milk, the instructions I read said to pour in half of the water (2 quarts) and 3 cups of powdered milk (not instant powdered milk because the two are different -- the church cannery doesn't sell instant). Mix it up with a wire whisk, and then comes the trick. Add a teaspoon of vanilla and a teaspoon of sugar, then pour in the rest of the water. Voila! Marshmallow milk, as Nikki calls it. Maybe I put in too much sugar, but I'm not reducing it!


Kristen said...

We bought a bunch of powdered milk from the cannery a year or so ago and use it all the time. We hardly ever buy regular anymore. I'm the only one who really loves milk for just milk (not for cereal or to dip oreos in), so its a lot more economical. I think its pretty good too. I've never added the sugar, though. I'll have to try that. My brothers, however, do not approve. They hate it, no questions asked. :) Oh well, you can't win 'em all.

JW and Alli said...

Susan - maybe next time I come to your house you can slip me some without me knowing. :) Or I'll just have to get brave and try it. But that is going to take a lot of courage from me!! :)

Kellee said...

That's awesome! We've thought about looking into powdered soy for our family but haven't yet. I sometimes think about just forgetting milk all together in our food storage and just get extra water.

Adding sugar is always a good idea :) Glad it worked out.

I tried another wheat berry recipe last night...not a fan. Joe liked it but no one else did.

julie said...

We are starting to work on our food storage so this is REALLY helpful because I really don't like powdered milk. Thanks for sharing!

Susan said...

Alli, just make a half gallon and see if anybody in your family likes it. You can always just use it up in your mac & cheese or a cake or something. Oh, and don't forget to chill it before you try it! Come on, you can do it!

Glad you guys didn't think I was too nuts!