My camera won't connect to the computer to transfer our pictures. I feel like I'm back in the days where I had to wait for the chance to take the film in and then wait to have it developed and then wait for the chance to go back to get it. I don't like having to wait to get my pictures! If I could, I would post pictures of:
- food -- I've made beautiful bread, my first lemon meringue pie, my first whirl with homemade fondant on a bunny cake
- a video of Ryan squealing, our own little piglet
- haircuts for both Hannah and Nikki
- St. Patrick's Day, the leprechauns were too busy (or maybe just forgot) to come overnight, so they left some treats while I was picking the girls up from school that day. Then I made green spaghetti noodles for supper that night.
- check to see what food needs to be rotated in our 72-hour kits
- help the Easter bunny with his plans
- pick up Hannah & Ryan's pictures (I was supposed to pick them up two weeks ago)
- get the camera fixed!!
- study for my final
- and I'll probably have to pick Hannah up from school since I sent her when she was sick. She wasn't sick enough to stay home, but she was complaining enough for a trip to the hospital.
When I was a kid my dad died the spaghetti noodles green - it was the worst tasting dinner ever (even though it tasted just like regular spaghetti) and so I've never tried that one. Can't stomach how it looks. What did your clan think?
Haha! I actually thought about that and was relieved when the girls were excited about it. Hannah even said she wants pink noodles next Valentine's Day.
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