Thursday, November 18, 2010


So, now that our third child is two years old, we are finally owners of a minivan. While having Ryan backhand Hannah in the face any time he thought she was encroaching on his space was a great motivator to make the upgrade, sad to say it wasn't the catalyst. A few weeks ago Nate was sitting at a stoplight and some guy slammed into the back of him. Nate thinks he was texting because his explanation of what happened didn't make any sense. Thankfully none of the kids were with him, as the impact was hard enough to deploy both airbags and give Nate a pretty sore neck for a few days. Nate is going to be traveling for quite a bit the next few months, so we were thinking we would just try it out as a one-car family for a while. But he found a really good deal on a used Honda Odyssey. He has been keeping tabs on what's on the market for a while because we knew this would be our next big purchase, and we thought we would wait until the spring to save up what we needed to pay for one. We were excited when this van checked out to be in fairly good condition. Anyway, we are really grateful that we could get it now, even though I feel like I'm driving a tank after driving a Honda Civic for so long!

The really big change will come next week. I'm going to start homeschooling Hannah for a variety of reasons. When the thought first crossed my mind that I could just homeschool Hannah and leave Nikki in school, I was pretty surprised by the idea. I tried to homeschool Hannah for a little bit in the first grade and failed miserably with it, so I know it is because of a lot of prayer and inspiration that I can honestly say I am excited about this. I think it will be so good for her, and I am looking forward to having some time to focus just on her. I ordered a book of art lessons and it came in the mail yesterday. I asked her if I could be a student along with her and go through the book, too. It looks like a lot of fun! My dad and my sister are great artists, and I've always wished I could be, too. I know you can't teach talent, but I can at least have fun trying. So, I'm sure I will lose my mind here over the next few months. What a ride this life is!


Kellee said...

Life really is a ride! Good luck next week.

Kellee said...

Hey, I thought I would e-mail you about this but...

I have a neighbor who got in a car accident when she was 17 and she has chronic pain from it today in her 30's. They didn't realize until years later when it was too late, that her neck fused together. Chiropractors call it something and I can't remember the term. Dr's tried everything but never suggested a chiropractor.

If he gets headaches or still feels stiff, you might want to ask around for a good chiropractor. My little whip lash was minor and I didn't think it was a big deal, but it would be a problem today if I had never gone. I know you're nervous about that kind of thing, but you might want to think about it if he still hurts, even just a little.

JW and Alli said...

You are SO right - what a ride this life is!!! Good luck with all the changes!

Kim said...

I officially welcome you to the land of minivan ownership. You'll have to post a picture. Good luck with the homeschooling thing. Just enjoy. When I remember that, I do much better with it all.

Kristen said...

Glad Nate was okay from the accident. Sorry that was what caused the minivan purchase, but I think you will LOVE it. :)

Good luck with homeschooling. I'm sure you will be wonderful at it. I've been tempted several times with either Elise or Ian, mostly Ian b/c I don't think he gets the focused attention he needs in the large group setting and it is hard for him and painful for me. So I've been keeping an eye on things with that. I think it has improved, but I may have to have you guide me, if things change.

And you're right. What a ride we're on. :)

Brigette Little said...

Yep! A wild, wonderful ride! Good luck with homeschooling. It was one of the best things I ever did for Cameron. We had good days and bad days, but the relationship we ended up with at the end was the best part. You really do get to be a lot closer.

Shellby said...

I LOVE my Odyssey. Will you send me your address, please? ( I'd like to send a Christmas card.


julie said...

Hey Susan. Has all this new changed killed you off? I hope it is going well and just know we miss you!