Monday, December 20, 2010

A great day!

I truly have felt loved today. There have been so many people to make me feel special on my birthday, starting this morning with cards and presents from my family. My girls are so thoughtful and cute. I just feel so blessed to call them my daughters. And what can I say about my husband? He did small things throughout the day that just really made me know he was thinking of me and made me feel very loved. Then I never check Facebook, but I got lots of birthday wishes there and phone calls from family near and far. A friend from church stopped by and gave a really sweet gift, and I even got carolers at our door who took a break from their Christmas carols to wish me a happy birthday. It was wonderful! Nikki wrote me this note in church yesterday, and it just made me laugh:

"Dear, Mom
I wish you a happy Almost late birthday. I hope you have a good last day working. when are you going to give your job to Kelly?

Love, Nikki
P.S. merry cristmis too!"


Kellee said...

So cute. I knew your immediate fam would take great care of you today! Glad you felt loved because you truly are. You're one of my heroes! Love ya!

Kristen said...

Way too cute. :) Nikki's note is awesome. Aren't kids great? Glad it was a great birthday! We love you! :)

julie said...

Happy Birthday on this blog too!!

Kim said...

Happy Birthday! It sounds like it was a great one! Love ya!