Sunday, May 22, 2011

Our Talent

We had a talent show at church last week, and all of the performance slots were filled up by the time I decided to take a look at the sign-up sheet. That really was just fine with me, but I thought we really should do something to participate. So, Hannah and I made some origami to display. We were going to make a bouquet of flowers. It turns out there are not very many beginner flower designs, so Hannah had more fun decorating paper than folding it. She did make a great ladybug, frog, and crane. She also designed a couple of her own flowers. I thought that was pretty neat. I would much rather take a pre-designed piece of paper and follow the instructions someone else has come up with. I guess my talent is being a copycat. :) Anyway, it was fun working on this project with her.


Kellee said...

Yep, I remember you being a REALLY good copycat as a little girl ;) Actually, I'm the same way. I'm not very original.

julie said...

You are amazing to even look at the sign up sheet! Hannah is almost as tall as you. You look great!

Kim said...

So fun! I'm impressed you even attempted. I really should try it some time...or just have Hannah teach me next you all are out here.