Sunday, May 01, 2011

{dramatic intake of breath}

Oh, Nate, I am so sorry!!!
That's what I said last night as I started giving Nate a haircut. I don't even know what you call those things that you put on the end of the clippers to keep from buzzing his hair when you cut it, but I forgot to put it on. My mind is always in 5 different places at once, and I think that is probably a bad trait for your hairdresser to have. I was talking and moving along at a 100 mph trying to get this haircut done before I went to finish up my preparations for my sharing time at church today. I got partway up that first strip of hair and froze. He handled it so much better than I did. I was crying and laughing and was just hysterical, and he stayed so calm!! I don't know how he did it. It is such a good thing our roles weren't reversed in that moment! He wanted me to just buzz it all off, but I couldn't do it. His hair is just too pretty. This picture is just halfway into the haircut, and I never did get a picture of the finished product, but I was able to blend it in a bit. I wasn't crying anymore by the time I finished it, anyway. He didn't mention any comments from church today, so either it wasn't too bad or it was so bad nobody could come up with a decent remark. :) Hopefully by the time he makes it home this weekend it won't even be noticeable at all. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!


Kristen said...

I didn't see it today, so your blending must have worked. :) Cory and I had a similar haircut when I first started doing his. I was in tears and vowed never to cut it again. :) He ended up having to go to the barber to finish it. I have improved since then, I think. :)

Amy M said...

I did that once to my husband and never had to cut his hair again. Now he does it!

Kellee said...

How did you cut his hair with his glasses still on :)

julie said...

I know I shouldn't be laughing right now but that is just funny. I get scared EVERY time I cut Phil's hair. I know I will do the same thing one day. Maybe I should pre-warn him or just be grateful that I too am married to a patient, very loving man.

JW and Alli said...

I did that to Jay about 10 years ago - right before we flew out for a NC beach trip. I had to hear it from Billy Lewis etc...just imagine the teasing! Next week you won't be able to even tell.

Kim said...

AWESOME!! Josh has caught me a couple times with the wrong size on the clippers when I'm chatting & not paying attention. I can picture you laughing/ makes me laugh!