Monday, May 09, 2011

Is this what you were expecting, Nikki?

If Nikki ever needs proof that I love her -- here it is. My fantasy of becoming a professional cake decorator died today. I am DONE with cake pops. Who ever said there was anything wrong with a truffle without a stick? Cakewrecks could have a blast with these puppies. If you want a really good laugh, you could check out Bakerella's rendition of these that I tried to copy. Just don't tell me how hard you laughed. It's not funny to me yet. How does she get the chocolate so smooth?!
I forgot to get the styrofoam block that you're supposed to stick these in to dry. My colander was the best idea I could come up with. So sad! Oh, I also accidentally bought white candy melts with pastel sprinkles in them. Hmm, not quite the canine look I was expecting.

And the best of them all.....
Okay, I can laugh at this one. Not sure what breed of dog this would be. I still don't know why Nikki wanted a dog cake for her birthday, and I am pretty sure I will never let her look at Bakerella's website with me again. Her birthday isn't for 2 more days, but I'm going out of town on her birthday, so I went ahead and made her cake pops tonight. And tomorrow Hannah and I are going to surprise her by getting her out of school early to go get her ears pierced. Maybe that will make up for these ugly puppies.


Kellee said...

It's much better than what I could do! I haven't attempted anything in the cake world like you have. Have fun with the birthday girl!!

JW and Alli said...

You are great! I never spend that much time in the kitchen. Please don't show these to my kids, cause I don't even want to try! :)

Kristen said...

Oh Susan! I did laugh, but only because I have SO been there. :) I have some talents, but cake decorating is not among them. I am totally going to email you two pictures that I think will make you laugh. And you will see that I completely get it. :)

Kim said...

Don't compare them to the other lady's & they look GREAT! And the colander idea was impressive!