Thursday, September 29, 2011

Cute conversation

Ryan entertains us with the cutest conversations these days. It's so fun to see how his little mind is thinking about things. As we were leaving the house today, Hannah asked me not to go too fast because she thought she would get carsick. Ryan said, "No, the car won't get sick!"

A little later Nikki was talking about how excited she was for October to almost be here. Ryan asked why she was saying that, so we explained to him that October has Halloween in it which means we get to dress up in costumes. Ryan popped in with, "Yes! I'm going to be a train tracks, and Daddy will be Thomas!" OK, well, we'll see what Daddy thinks about that. :)

Then somehow he and Nikki were talking about how old they are. Ryan said, "I'm three and four." Nikki corrected him and said that he will be turning four next year. Ryan's response: "Yes, then I'll be baptized."

He really is a cute little boy, and when he's talking at the top of his lungs in church or begging to not have quiet time in the afternoon or demanding his oatmeal at just the right temperature at breakfast, I just have to remember these moments!


Kellee said...

You'll be so glad that you recorded these things down. I wish I had done that with Karoline and Chris.

Kim said...

I need to record more of those when Wyatt said loudly during Sacrament, "NO MOM, I DON'T WANT TO GO OUT!" There was a nice little chuckle through the audience...I wasn't laughing though. Now, I can. They are so cute!

julie said...

It sounds like he is 3 going on 13. I am so happy to have a little girl but there is nothing like little boys to warm your heart!