Thursday, October 27, 2011

Law of Attraction

As I was getting ready this morning I came up with this list:
  • our ice-maker is broken on our fridge
  • van window is stuck 1/4 of the way down
  • transmission is about to fall out of the van, hopefully it will be ready to pick up by tomorrow
  • I left my favorite hair gel (that I think is expensive) open, laid it on its side in my basket, and it leaked all out
  • electrical problems in the kitchen that we can't fix by ourselves
  • my Kitchen-aid bit the dust
I buy into an idea I read in Carol Tuttle's book, Remembering Wholeness. She talks about the Law of Attraction. "The Law of Attraction, simply put, is that whatever we put our attention on, in belief, thought, and feeling, will come into our life multiplied. There is no exclusion in the Law of Attraction. If you think about what you don't want, then you will get a lot of that. If you have a need to worry or complain, then you will attract a lot of people and experiences to worry and complain about. If you carry a lot of fear, you will attract life events that support that fear."

I think I have a generally positive outlook on life. Of course I have things I can complain about, as the list I made this morning quickly showed me, and those may be inconsequential annoyances when looking at the grand scheme of my life. I do have real struggles and heartaches. Everyone does. Even those people that look like they are living a charmed life full of so many blessings. I think the real difference in people just might be this Law of Attraction. How do I view the hard things that present themselves in my life? Do I dwell on them? Do I have confidence and faith that they will be overcome? Do I believe better days are ahead for me? I believe that one day in the near future I will get my new wood floors. This morning's list only makes me wonder how near! I believe that the Lord has always and will always bless me with not only everything I need, but with so many of my wants as well.

So, in an effort to help out the Law of Attraction a little more, I'm going to make another list. A better one that focuses on things I have been blessed with and would like to be blessed with.
  • Ryan and Nikki have been sick the past couple of days, but a trip to the doctor revealed that it was NOT strep throat, and they are both feeling better today. That's wonderful because if strep is ever going around, which it is, Nikki easily catches it.
  • Nate has been able to get a ride to work this week while our van is out of commision
  • We have our new cabinets and countertops installed in the kitchen! Wow, what a difference! You were right, Kellee, that I did like just reaching in the drawers without having to open them, but it's even nicer to have counters to junk up again. :)
  • Homeschool is going well, even though the past couple of weeks have been busy for me. My girls are so good!
  • I am excited to be working towards our new floors as our next project.
  • I bought my Christmas present the other day. I'm so excited about it!
  • I'm grateful that prayers are answered.
  • I'm grateful to be a mother. What a marvelous journey this is!


Kellee said...

You didn't say what you Christmas present is :)

You are spot on with perspective. Living here in a debt-free multi-million dollar home has been interesting. They don't financial worries, but they have plenty of other worries just like I do. It's all perspective in life!

Kristen said...

How is it that I made two trips to your house yesterday and didn't see the new countertops?! Dang it!!! I'll have to see if I can find something else to drop off today. ;)

I completely agree with what you said about our attitude and perspective. I love this quote by Elder Eyring: "The test a loving God has set before us is not to see if we can endure difficulty. It is to see if we can endure it well." I think "enduring it well" applies as much to the little day to day annoyances as it does to the big trials we face. It seems like when I'm faced with something really hard, I dig down deep within myself and really strive to turn to the Lord and bear it as best I can. Not that I love them or that they are easy, but they shake me enough to really make me MAKE an effort to work through them. But with the day to day things that come my way, I am much more likely to grumble or complain or be annoyed. So I love your thoughts about that that. Here's to looking for the good. :)

julie said...

In our home, Phil is the positive and I am neutral/negative. It works well for us. I am just amazed at all you do. You are super woman. I can't even get the dishes done and you are remodeling bathrooms and kitchens by yourself. I thought I was doing really good with just painting. Just know that I look up to you and the amazing things you do. This is starting to sound like some sort of motivational speech. Sorry. Just know I love you!

Anonymous said...

Hey chicky, no worries about the Kitchen Aid, now you can get a Bosch!! You are so blessed!! Honestly there is something to this. I made a conscious change to see my blessings, and then I am blessed. The past few years have been full and wonderful. I think gratitude is a big huge step in attracting what is good in our lives. Don't get me wrong, I have had big challenges, but they don't seem like much since I have trained myself to see what is good in my life. Okay, I feel a blog post coming on, so go read my blog to get the rest of my thoughts....

Brigette Little said...

How funny - I just read this after getting home from our 3rd hospital visit this week. Time to stop thinking about doctors!! We love you guys, and I agree with Julie - you are amazing. :)