Wednesday, September 18, 2013


I am so excited that I actually have a few free minutes before bedtime tonight. Lately I feel like I am always running a step behind and trying to catch up. Tonight I'm going to sit here and breathe. I will ignore the unfolded laundry and celebrate the fact that the clothes are clean, and I can fold them tomorrow. Nate has been gone for the last week and a half on a business trip, and I was trying to find a silver lining in that fact this morning when I noticed it was time to do laundry. As I was sorting the clothes I realized that his clothes probably account for a third of our wash. Those long legs of his require pants that fill up a laundry basket in no time. So, there is something good in having him travel after all! I had less laundry to do today. And I can promise I won't complain one bit when he brings his suitcase home and dumps it in a waiting laundry basket.


JW and Alli said...

Hope he gets home soon!

J Bailey said...

Lol!! I don't like when we go from summer to winter because just as u said the Landry doubles in size!! Good way to smile when it is hard ;0)