I have been thinking about President Eyring's message from last month's Ensign about keeping a record of the Lord's blessings in our lives. It's not the first time I have heard him give this counsel, but I want it to be the last time that I need the Spirit to give me such a strong reminder to follow it. After all, the main reason I have a blog is to keep a record of what happens in our family. Lately, the pace of my life has picked up and I have used that as an excuse to not blog, when that really means I have more to record. What I need to work on is prioritizing how I use my time. So, here is a first post to get me started.
I have a sweet friend at church who loves babies. She's a baby whisperer. She put Natalie to sleep during Sunday School and then fed and played with her through Relief Society as well. I so appreciated being able to sit through the lessons without holding a squirmy worm. What a great service she offered to me!
Nate and I spent an evening away on Friday to celebrate our 14th anniversary coming up next week. We are only about two weeks into our new school year, and I already needed a break! I'll write more another time about our homeschool, but for now I'll just say that I'm excited for all that my kids are learning. And I am excited to be learning along with them. Speaking of school, it's a bit ironic that I was telling Nikki last week that we don't start a sentence with a conjunction, but I think I've done it at least twice so far in this post! I write my blog like I'm talking, so I guess maybe I should work on my speech and then my writing might improve. :) While school is going to be great this year, I think we are going to work harder than we have ever worked in our homeschool. I'm excited, nervous, and worn out just thinking of it. Anyway, it was so nice to get away even for one day with Nate. With both of us being so busy these days, it takes a greater effort to just spend time together. I love him, and I love being with him.
On a side note, as I have been writing this post Nate has been playing a card game with the kids on our bed. They started fighting with each other, so I heard him say they needed to quit playing and read scriptures. Then they weren't listening to him, so he made them recite the scriptures after him. They thought his voice inflections of the people speaking was silly and started paying attention and giggling. Somehow, he turned a contentious moment into one where they are now happily reading scriptures together. He is such a good man, and I really appreciate the few minutes he gave me to myself this afternoon.
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