Saturday, March 11, 2006

A hobby or an obsession?

Reading a good book is a weakness of mine. Of course reading is a good thing, but I just get too wrapped up in a good book. I like reading all kinds of things - history, biographies, parenting books, religious fiction and nonfiction, a good mystery (nothing really scary, though), etc. I think my brothers might be worried sometimes that I read those trashy romance novels. Let me put your minds to rest boys, I don't read those. A good clean romance is always welcome, though, with Pride & Prejudice being one of my favorites.

The funniest thing is that in the time I have been writing this the girls have brought me three books to read to them.

Anyway, a good novel is like a good movie to me. I can see a picture so clearly in my head of what is happening, and I can never just skim. I want to read every word to get the full effect of what the author is saying. The problem comes because I hate putting down a good book right in the middle of it, just like a movie isn't as good if you stop and then come back to finish it later. Dishes and all housework suddenly seem so unimportant. Therefore, nothing gets done when I'm reading. Then I rationalize that I should just keep reading until I'm done to be able to function properly again. That's why I was up until 4 am this morning reading a book I started last night. I wasn't even tired.

Nate can't believe how fast I can read a book, but then it took him a year to get through one of the Harry Potter books. I bought him a couple of books for Christmas that I have really enjoyed, but he hasn't read more than just the titles yet. One was 1776 by David McCullough. I highly recommend this one. I always knew the Revolutionary soldiers were poor, and it was a miracle that America won her independence, but this book brought to life just how miraculous it really was. What are some of your recommendations?

So, I guess I do feel guilty for not keeping things more balanced, but I console myself by thinking that at least I'm not doing something worse with my time like watching soap operas.


Kristen said...

we could be twins on this! once i start reading a good book & can hardly rest until its finished. i do the same rationalization with stuff around the house, too. it really is an obsession.

cory and nate are identical too. i don't think cory had read a book (other than the Book of Mormon, maybe) since the fifth grade until i convinced him to read the 4th harry potter. it took him forever too, but he did it! since then he's read some of the work and the glories. i'm so proud of him, but it would drive me insane to read a book at his pace!

i know what you mean about feeling guilty for reading so much sometimes. and you're right, there really are worse things we could do. i also like to think its good for the kids to see me love to read. besides reading to them, i think its good for them to know that i really enjoy it and find it fun. maybe that's just more rationalizing, but i'm sticking with it!

i've never read 1776, but i'm definitely going to check it out. thanks for the recommendation. that last book i read was "the 5 people you meet in heaven." i really enjoyed it. it was a quick read, but really neat. i also love every book in the "mitford" series by jan karon. i'll have to think if i have any other recommendations. i have actually rarely met a book i didn't like. =)

do you ever just crave a new book so much that you'll read ANYTHING, like the cereal box or an old magazine or a book that you've already read two or three times just to be able to read something?

great post, by the way!

Susan said...

I have read the first 2 books of the Mitford series, and I really like those, too. I just have to get my hands on the next books.

And I don't mind reading a book again that I've already read once. Nate thinks that's crazy too. But then, I am the girl who used to watch Rambo almost every day after school when I was about 10. I'll agree with him that that was crazy!

I saw the TV movie of "The 5 people You Meet in Heaven," but I haven't read it. I've just started on the Chronicles of Narnia, and that's nice because I actually can put that down after a few chapters and come back later.

well, it's good to know I'm not the only one who gets addicted to a book!

Kristen said...

i love the narnia cronicles, too. i read the first couple when i was little, but a few years ago i got the whole set in paperback form & read them all. i thought there were similarities between the narnia cronicles & harry potter. see what you think. it made me wonder if jk rowling was influenced by them or if its just coincindence or my imagination.

a side note, my aunt just recommended 1776, so i must be meant to read it. i can't wait to give it a go!