Thursday, March 15, 2007

My phone phobia

Tonight I had to make about a few phone calls to some of the women at church to set up a time to go visit with them. Such a simple thing, right? They are all very nice ladies. No one said anything rude to me or even acted like I was invading their evening, but it was the hardest thing I've done all day. Especially making the call to the lady that I haven't met yet -- oh, I don't know how I did it. I even had to get a piece of chocolate when I was done. I have no idea why I have such a phobia of making phone calls. I had an appointment for a check up at the gynecologist yesterday, and I was much more comfortable doing that than picking up the phone tonight. It seems like I've always been this way. I remember when I moved in with the Littles in high school and I needed to call the school about getting a parking sticker. I still have a sticky note reminder in one of my music books that Eileen left there while it was sitting open on the piano to remind me to call. It's written in all capital letters. She must have been so frustrated with me, but I just wanted her to make that phone call for me so much. She made me do it, but I remember it because it was so hard. I can always come up with an excuse not to dial the number. Maybe they're not home from work yet. I don't want to interrupt supper. Oh no, I better wait until they get the kids to bed. Well, it's too late to call now, guess I'll have to try again tomorrow. I thought I would grow out of it, but when is that going to happen?


Kellee said...

I'm just like you! I beg Joe to call for babysitters for me all the time. I absolutely hate calling people and "bothering them".

Kristen said...

i'm the same way! i would rather send 100 emails than make one phone call. what's the deal?

Susan said...

Well, it's good to know I'm not the only one! I feel like such a wimp sometimes because it really shouldn't be such a big deal. And why don't I ever stop to think that if I'm calling at a bad time, they just won't answer the phone?