Friday, December 14, 2007

My reading obsession again

Last night I went to bed at 9 pm and woke up this morning just before 7 am. Ahhh, that felt SO good! The cause of that was because the night before I stayed up almost all night reading a book. I don't have time right now to read for pleasure -- I just have too much going on, but a book I had requested at the library finally came in. They'll only hold it a couple of days for you, so I had to go ahead and get it, and I couldn't just have it sitting around without reading it. So, finishing it in one night was my best solution to avoid putting off other things that I needed to do during the day. I wasn't even crabby with the girls yesterday.

So the book was called Twilight. For me it was like watching a chic flick all night. I really liked it, but if someone only likes to read to be intellectually stimulated and increase their knowledge, they probably wouldn't go for this book. Nate would say it was a complete waste of time. It probably was, but so is watching a movie. It's about a girl who falls in love with a vampire. Oh, it was so good. There are three books in the series, but I'm going to have to wait until Christmas vacation is underway before I can think about getting the second one.


Kellee said...

Robin has these books and she let me borrow them. I couldn't put them down either! We both LOVED the first one, but just a forewarning...we were both disappointed in the 2nd and 3rd. They quickly become teenage fantansy novels when Bella keeps begging Edward to be more intimate with her. Gets really bad in the 3rd book. It's surprising the author would do that since she's LDS.

The ending of the 3rd is disappointing too. I won't spoil it for you but I was hoping to read a little more about one specific event, but suddenly the book was done. Robin said she heard the author is writing a 4th. Maybe she can redeem herself in my eyes with another one. As long as I don't have to read anymore about Bella's teenage hormones!!!! She really becomes a selfish brat in the end.

Susan said...

That's so disappointing to hear. Kim was telling me about them over Thanksgiving, and I think she did say that she was hoping the 4th would be really good again. Oh well, maybe I should wait to read the others until after you have read the 4th to see if you like it any better.