Saturday, December 22, 2007

Nikki's Preschool Christmas Program

Nikki's preschool Christmas program was this past week, and here are some pictures from it.
This is after the program, and Nikki was as worn out from a long day as she looks.
I just think this is so funny with all of their different expressions. Eliza is hilarious.

With the big man himself.

The video is a little long, but a mother is allowed to post a video like this. We absolutely love Mrs. Shari, the preschool director, and I think you can see a little of why from this clip. She is so great with the kids. We just barely got there in time, so our seats were in the back and my camera wouldn't zoom in very far. Nikki is a little hard to see because she's near the back, kind of on the left side. We were in such a hurry to get there that she had to get dressed in the car, and of course I forgot to bring a hair brush and barrettes. Poor thing. We had Lydia and Eliza with us, which was fun. They were excited to get to come to the program for the second year in a row. I think Lydia said this was about her third time sitting on Santa's lap this year, and she wouldn't tell me what she asked him to bring her. I wonder if her parents know. =)


JW and Alli said...

Actually Susan, you guys didn't come to the Christmas program last year. We were there all alone. :( You and Nate were all alone too and I'm sure enjoying yourselves! But I can't believe how much you pulled off this year all in one day!! I'm glad you survived it. :)

Susan said...

Oh, you're right! It was two years ago that Lydia & Eliza came with us. It's hard to believe we have been in one spot long enough to participate in an event three years in a row!