October 5: Halloween coloring page, Hannah had more fun making her own coloring page than coloring a picture
October 6: Halloween playdough creatures. Here is Nikki's family of mice.
October 7: Ghost footprint painting. Ryan didn't want to decorate his footprint, so I guess it didn't really turn out to be a ghost. Hannah stayed at the table for probably an hour, and then she even cleaned everybody's mess up since she was the last one there! She is so wonderful.
October 8: Halloween movie. I didn't know this National Geographic kids' movie was going to have creepy commentary. I thought the animals were pretty cool. I didn't know there really is a vampire bat that sucks the blood of different animals. Nikki, however, didn't want to go to sleep at bedtime. She was even asking this morning if we have black widows in North Carolina. Well, I couldn't help but tell her the story of the "Widow House," which was the nickname of one of the greenhouses behind our home when I was growing up because there were so many black widows in there.
October 9: Halloween hang-up decorations. Nikki said the white one was hers, but Dad claims he made it. I was taking a nap.
I've told my kids about the Widow House too :)
Fun stuff, as always.
You guys ARE Halloween nutty--but I well remember haunted houses in greenhouses in the old days, so you certainly come by it honestly! And Happy Birthday to your Mama today--been thinking about her! Love you all!
I love it! You're great. Maybe I'll pick one or two things & try them. Thanks for giving me so many options!
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