Monday, July 02, 2012

Blogging again

Who knows when I'll get a working camera?! I guess I really would like to start blogging again anyway. I skyped with Kellee last night, and it is so fun to talk to her. I got a virtual tour of her new house, which is really pretty. And she looked so great! She did the 28-day challenge from the E2 diet and loosely follows that now. After all of the reading I did at the beginning of the year I got overwhelmed and decided I was hungry and gave up. I don't think that was the right thing to do. I was reading a lot of extreme ideas, but going back to eating whatever with even less homemade stuff than I was doing before was really just the other side of extreme.

So this morning I made a menu plan for the week, including breakfasts and lunches and snacks, which is the only way I have ever been able to really pay attention to what I'm eating. Then I went grocery shopping and came home and reorganized my pantry and kitchen cabinets. That felt really good. Organizing and buying the food. I guess I should admit that I hate grocery shopping. I hate trying to make choices in the store. So much seems like junk, and I hate buying processed foods when I can make things better myself. But the reality is that I can't remember the last time I made my own graham crackers, and I don't make granola bars very often because I usually eat most of them. Most everything else that I usually make has seemed to quit being made, too. So, most of the time I end up just buying the essentials for suppers and fruits and very few other snacks. It really does feel like we never have food in the house, sometimes even after I get back from shopping. What kind of a mother doesn't know how to go grocery shopping? Well, today was a little bit of redemption. We now have good food in the house, including snacks and breakfast food. My last organization project of the day is going to be cleaning out the fridge. Oh boy! I think there is still a paint brush and roller in there from when I was painting the girls' room a few months ago.

We can't believe this is already July! Where has the summer gone? It is passing right by us as we sit at the pool. We have had a lot of fun swimming so far and plan to keep it up! It's seems like every other load of laundry I wash is full of towels. Speaking of which, I think I should probably go put them in the dryer.

1 comment:

Kellee said...

I felt like a hypocrite as I went shopping tonight. I bought hamburgers, hot dogs, bacon, and American cheese. We're having friends and the missionaries over for the 4th and decided to have an all American meal. I'll be bloated for a few days :)